What is the supported PHP7 installation method for CentOS 7

abso-freakin-lutely! Yeah, that totally works.

/me looks up the right file

That one. You can edit it right away and make a PR out of it :wink:

Now wrt the whole ā€˜supportedā€™ debate, looking at the documentation and stuff, it is a bit of a pita term, so I want to say sorry to @JaredBusch on that one. Eg if you see like ā€œminimum supported PHP version 5.6ā€ vs what distro is supported or recommended - that is all confusing.

When it comes to the PHP version, ā€˜supportedā€™ means ā€œweā€™ll ignore bug reports about stuff that isnā€™t working with older versionsā€, while with distroā€™s it is generally so that any LAMP stack with the right minimum versions means our contributors wonā€™t ignore bug reports unless thereā€™s a big red flag for that distro shipping something horribly broken.

So I guess that that is what supported means - and it is only applied to the bare minimum requirements, not to specific platforms, that is more of an enterprise thing. Hence no ā€œthis is supported and this isnā€™tā€ for the distro or the method of installing PHP 7: each is equally well accepted.

I hope this makes a little more sense.


Awesome, Iā€™ll do some more testing and Iā€™ll get right on that. That will provide a bit of the warm and fuzzies that I think a lot of us are looking for. Maybe I can get on Suse as well once that is done.

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And I finally found/noticed that farther down in the install documentation it clearly states that the use of SCL is the only recommended method of getting PHP 5.5 (likely copied from the old ownCloud guide). So that is the official answer, IMO, that I was looking for.


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How is that a solution? It is not for PHP7. We are still left without a recommended CentOS7 PHP7 setup.


CentOS 7 provides PHP version 5.4 in its official repository

Command to install the EPEL repository configuration package:
    yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

Command to install the Remi repository configuration package:
    yum install http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm

Command to install the yum-utils package (for the yum-config-manager command):
    yum install yum-utils

You want a single version which means replacing base packages from the distribution

Packages have the same name than the base repository, ie php-*

PHP version 7.1 packages are available for CentOS 7 in remi-php71 repository

Command to enable the repository:
    yum-config-manager --enable remi-php71

Command to upgrade (the repository only provides PHP):
    yum update

Ā© https://rpms.remirepo.net/wizard/

@Therion7777 That is not supported. The official answer is that there is no supported method to get PHP > 5.4 except via SCL as SCL is what RHEL will support.

Yes, it supported! By remi!
Like Nextcloud is supported by Nextcloud team.

We have a contribution to the documentation that adds this support but it needs to be reviewed: PHP 7 on CentOS: Install instructions are updated - review needed