Video calls in Nextcloud 11 with Spreed

Excuse me if this goes away from the actual topic now ;):

  • For me it’s sometimes difficult to decide if I should use “support/apps/…” or “apps/…”.
  • For the spreed app I recently used “apps/…”, because generally WebRTC with app including turn server is working fine on my system and as spreed app is new, there might be some polishing necessary.
  • Also looking onto the threads inside this two categories, there seems to be much overlap at the moment. Sometimes it’s not easy to decide if you need help, because you did something wrong (support), or because there is a bug ;).
  • But to have one subcategory for every single app seems reasonable for me, so you exactly know where to put your topic if something went wrong while using this specific app. If the problem is coming from the app itself, from shared resources, nextcloud or even the underlying server environment is part of the analysis and of course should lead in case to a correct forwarding as fast as found out.

One feature that i wrote about on the release of the first nextcloud is :
Chat history with Spreed.

I will be a great skype-killer with this feature and it will be more entreprise app with this.

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Using nc10, I installed the “Spreed WebRTC” docker image and then the Spreed.ME app for nc10.

Now that I read nc11 integrates the Spreed* app and doesn’t need the old stuff / seperate server anymore, I want to get rid of (uninstall correctly and completely) that stuff mentioned above, before upgrading to nc11. How do I do that?

I don’t use docker, so can’t help you with that. But I would suggest to keep the “old” spreed installation, because the new app does not yet have all it’s features (chat, screen sharing, file transfer, …) and will maybe never have (just guess). Of course if you just need the video call itself, the new app is easy and seems to work fine for most users (excluding me so far sadly).

I suggest you keep the old app+server, upgrade nc, try the new app if it works fine for you and just in this case remove the old app+server afterwards. There is no deeper connection between and nextcloud that leads to an advantage of removing it first. Or is there somehow something different when using docker?

hey i installed the video calls application on my hosted server but it doesn’t seem to be working with the shared link option. Everything seems to be fine. The page is loading normal (i tried it with the official next cloud demo everything worked there). But when i share a link for a public call it just doesn’t connect. On both both devices the site is looking normal but it says waiting for participant. What can i do? Like I mentioned the demo of nextcloud is working fine.

Did you try it with a different webrtc server? Both browsers support webrtc, allow camera, micro and notifications? Also I am not sure how the app behaves if p2p fails because STUN or TURN server is required. So also try it in you local network first, before over internet.

€: Ah shared host, forget about the local network thing :smiley:. So did you try to configure some STUN or TURN server?

yes both browsers support all the things they need. and it just doesn’t connect just saying: Waiting for to join the call. I also see next to the chain that there are 2 users it tells me: You,1 guest . To be honest i don’t quite know what a stun server is. But the hosting service i am using is called uberspace.

A STUN server is most likely needed or the clients are sitting behind a NAS to provide the local network IP. There is a free usable one from nextcloud but I am not sure about the URL or if it’s already predefined in admin panel / advanced settings. Otherwise there is also one from spreed:
€: Ah, the one from nextcloud is:

A TURN server is for some NAS setups necessary instead, if STUN is not yet enough. It changes from p2p to a server in-between connection. So all the traffic is going through the TURN server then. You could ask your web host, if he provides one.


Just to be clear: At the moment is just CNAME’ing to

Ah good to know :sweat_smile:.

If not, you can install your own.

Just install coturn and you are done.

I think it’s not possible because it’s on a shared host. But yes, generally I would install it by myself on the nextcloud server system, which is quite easy.

Hi, I have the same issue as Hans-Peter: Both peers just say they are waiting for the other. I face this with both calls to users and to guests.
The STUN server is (default):, Nextcloud 11.0.3 is hosted on a shared server (installed with Plesk).
As I am not the most skilled admin: any ideas?

Same answer is valid: Try it with a TURN server. I don’t know how much is possible with Plesk. Either install coturn with it or ask your server admin, if there is already an active TURN server for webrtc available.

Thanks, MichaIng. I will check that.

Hello, I also try video call in nextcloud 12 but I have also a black screen.
I install coturn and use defaut stun serveur. But nothing.

My system
debian 8
php 7.1
coturn on port 8443

Need help please

I am having a trouble with using Edge for a browser.
The local video is there. When I connect with 2 firefox browers it is fine.
With Edge on either end or both, they try to connect but never finish the connection end with a black screen on the firefox system and a white "waiting for user " on the Edge side.
I have not tried Crome yet as it too evil.


Does Edge in between support WebRTC? When I tested it some months ago, it did not.
Did you try some client test/demo, e.g. ?

I also didn’t know, but the latest version of Edge seems to offer a compatible implementation known as ObjectRTC.

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