Upgrade stuck at "Step 4 is currently in process. Please reload this page later"

The update app works under “ideal” circumstances only.
And the biggest unknown here is the NC update server bandwidth availability.
So, trying the update app during the first week of a new release is a bad idea…

In short, do it from the command line and forget about the app…

saved me - thanks.

some reason I have slow connection speed to NC release server so my download was timing out. not directly related to the original post, but this fixed my issue after manually uploading the zip to the download folder.

Same issue. Solution worked perfectly for my upgrade from 22.2.6 to 23.0.3
Thanks !

After many upgrades, I think I kind of understood why it says “Step X is currently in progress”…
and that is because… it IS in progress.
Just allow some minutes, reload the page (F5 or Ctrl+r on firefox), and proceed to the next step. At least this is what happens to me.

Just for the record, my nextcloud instances are on shared hosting (ovh).

What happens more often than not is that after the upgrade process reaches the end and I’m brought to the homepage to finish the routine, it encounters another error and I have to go to the command line and use php occ upgrade to solve. But I think this is another issue.

Hope this helps.


Came across the following comment from @lixo:

In my case

  • setting max_execution_time to 3600
  • setting max_input_time to 3600 (both in php.ini)
  • sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:repair
    made it possible to restart and finish the update.

and in Jan 2023 and worked perfectly for me. I was able to restart the upgrade process and finish with no further issues. Thanks!

Unluckily, if it’s a shared hosting, this won’t help. :slight_smile: