Updated Collabora, now unable to open documents

You don’t need to write anything on port 80 for this reverse proxy.

Ubuntu 16.04 is the easiest place to have it running, it must be something to do with your custom setup.

docker // reverse proxy SSL «=» apache // nextcloud

All on the same server.

Let me know if you find yourself stuck.

I’m not sure if it’s really nginx or something else since i don’t use it, so you might wanna try apache.


This topic is going to auto-close within 2 days. The original problem has been solved, there might be similar issues but please open separate threads and share all required information (versions used, configuration, logfiles).

Hi thanks - so does Collabora not work with Nextcloud when they’re both on the same server but using their own Virtual Server vhost files?

They can run on the same server, but both, nextcloud and code, need https/ssl so they need separated vhost files as they need separated domains.
One for nextcloud another for the reverse proxy server.

If you need more info, please open a new thread.

Hi thanks - they both do have separate vhost files and SSL though.

Are there any log files or ways to diagnose why a document won’t open correctly and shows the error?

Collabora opens up ok and I can see the formatting buttons and word processor interface / Bold/Italic buttons etc.

Just the document itself doesn’t load and says “Well, this is embarrassing, we cannot connect to your document. Please try again.”


Hi just to confirm things are now working. It must of been an Ubuntu server issue, as after a couple of months on retrying it “just works” so the docker or some other package must of had an update through the repos…

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