Updated Collabora, now unable to open documents

Hi guys,

I ran into the same problem. Using the exact same config for apache as suggested by you guys and I still run into that exact problem: canā€™t create new docs and canā€™t edit existing docs.
I also sopped and started the docker container (docker stop and docker start .
Did not help either.
Any suggestions what I did wrong?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello Christoph,

I hope I am not trying to teach you to suck eggs, but after you have stopped the docker container you need to run a new container. Otherwise I am not sure what can help.

docker ps
[ from the output you can glean the Container ID of your Collabora Online docker image]
docker stop CONTAINER_ID
docker rm CONTAINER_ID
docker run -t -d -p -e ā€˜domain=cloud\.nextcloud\.comā€™ --restart always --cap-add MKNOD collabora/code


Hi Dom,

thanks for your suggestion. A good one in the way that Iā€™m just brand new to docker, so know Iā€™m now that :wink:
But still it did not help :frowning: Did exactly that incl. removing the container this time and start it again with the line you wrote (of course with adapted URL to my cloud).
Still the same problem :frowning:

By the way: hereā€™s the log the container producesā€¦

frk-00033-00 00:02:45.019683 [ loolforkit ] Child 196 has exited, removing its jail ā€˜/opt/lool/child-roots/196ā€™
wsd-00024-00 00:02:50.041297 [ loolwsd ] MasterToForKit: spawn 1
wsd-00024-00 00:02:50.041344 [ loolwsd ] Writing to pipe. Data: [spawn 1].
frk-00033-00 00:02:50.017134 [ loolforkit ] readFIFO for pipe: wsd_pipe_rd returned: 8
frk-00033-00 00:02:50.017174 [ loolforkit ] Read line from pipe: wsd_pipe_rd, line: [spawn 1], data: .
frk-00033-00 00:02:50.017189 [ loolforkit ] ForKit command: [spawn 1].
frk-00033-00 00:02:50.017209 [ loolforkit ] Spawning 1 child per request.
frk-00033-00 00:02:50.017223 [ loolforkit ] Creating 1 new child.
frk-00033-00 00:02:50.017234 [ loolforkit ] Forking a loolkit process.
frk-00033-00 00:02:50.018777 [ loolforkit ] Forked kit [201].
kit-00201-00 00:02:50.019089 [ loolforkit ] Initializing kit
kit-00201-00 00:02:50.019125 [ loolforkit ] Log level is [8].
kit-00201-00 00:02:50.019181 [ loolkit ] Process started.
kit-00201-00 00:02:50.019252 [ loolkit ] Jail path: /opt/lool/child-roots/201/
kit-00201-00 00:02:50.019443 [ loolkit ] symlink(ā€œā€¦/loā€,ā€œ/opt/lool/child-roots/201/opt/collaboraoffice5.1ā€)
kit-00201-00 00:02:50.019932 [ loolkit ] link(ā€œ/opt/lool/systemplate/etc/resolv.confā€,ā€œ/opt/lool/child-roots/201/etc/resolv.confā€) failed. Exiting. (errno: Operation not permitted)

Sounds like some permission problems? But what to do with that?

At which environment do you run your dockerimage? Is that a Hypervisor-VM or a OS-based-VM?
Additional please paste the output of the command uname -a

Running it under Debian Jessie - so as I just downloaded the Docker image ans installed Docker from the Debian Repo, I guess itā€™s an OS Based VM.

Linux ***.de 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3 (2016-07-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux

If I read the other threads correct, I should update the kernel I guess?

Thought about Kernel updateā€¦ I think the kernel update is only needed on Ubuntu systems, as some 4.x Kernels donā€™t support AUFS yet. And for Debian, the 4.x Kernel is not even out yet (hopefully coming with Debian 9 in Feb.2017).
And as it seems, my system supports AUFS correctly (see my post here: Issue installing Collabora following official guide)

Hmā€¦ not sure what to do :wink:

I needed to upgrade my kernel. After that aufs was gone and I had to remove the container and image and reload docker and the image. After that it worked with the september image of collabora. I didnā€™t upgrade to the latest image on my debian box yet, only at a ubuntu machine.

To what kernel version did you upgrade on Debian?
Maybe I use a older docker and it may work? where and which one did you get exactly?

on the debian machine I have the Kernel:
4.6.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.6.4-1~bpo8+1
(via source: http://httpredir.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main contrib non-free)
I did not mean docker itself, I mean the collabora-image.
They changed several things in it, I still have issues on another machine with self signed certs.
My primary ubuntu nc host works well with that new image.
The debian host upgrade is in my queue.

Sorry, I surely meant the docker image :smiley:
How do I find an older version? I only get the newest container somehow :wink:
Hm, maybe Iā€™m really going to update the kernel, if you say, that with the 3.16 it wonā€™t workā€¦
But first trying the older collabora/code container.

the only possible thing to get to an older image, is finding anyone with a working one,
who dumps it with docker save and you load it.

Additional the main websocket part in the Apache config is a bit different, anyhow I suggest you try out the actual image, as it cannot get worse for you, than it is now.

I justed tried something else: I started the docker daemon with devicemapper as storage driver, instead of aufsā€¦
and well, now it seems to work :slight_smile:

Can you please specify how you did start the docker daemon with devicemapper?
I am using debian 8 and sure, I can start the daemon manually with ā€œ$dockerd --storage-driver=devicemapperā€, but I do not get it working with /etc/init.d/dockerā€¦


I canā€™t also open any document.

I have this error in docker logs:

wsd-00024-00 09:56:55.653667 [ loolwsd ] MasterToForKit: spawn 1
wsd-00024-00 09:56:55.653777 [ loolwsd ] Writing to pipe. Data: [spawn 1].
frk-00033-00 09:56:55.615596 [ loolforkit ] readFIFO for pipe: wsd_pipe_rd returned: 8
frk-00033-00 09:56:55.615713 [ loolforkit ] Read line from pipe: wsd_pipe_rd, line: [spawn 1], data: [].
frk-00033-00 09:56:55.615766 [ loolforkit ] ForKit command: [spawn 1].
frk-00033-00 09:56:55.615837 [ loolforkit ] Spawning 1 child per request.
frk-00033-00 09:56:55.615901 [ loolforkit ] Creating 1 new child.
frk-00033-00 09:56:55.615954 [ loolforkit ] Forking a loolkit process.
frk-00033-00 09:56:55.624987 [ loolforkit ] Forked kit [2114].
kit-02114-00 09:56:55.625401 [ loolforkit ] Initializing kit
kit-02114-00 09:56:55.625552 [ loolforkit ] Log level is [8].
kit-02114-00 09:56:55.625691 [ loolkit ] Process started.
kit-02114-00 09:56:55.625942 [ loolkit ] Jail path: /opt/lool/child-roots/2114/
kit-02114-00 09:56:55.626586 [ loolkit ] symlink("ā€¦/lo","/opt/lool/child-roots/2114/opt/collaboraoffice5.1")
kit-02114-00 09:56:55.627452 [ loolkit ] link("/opt/lool/systemplate/etc/resolv.conf","/opt/lool/child-roots/2114/etc/resolv.conf") failed. Exiting. (errno: Operation not permitted)
frk-00033-00 09:56:56.626311 [ loolforkit ] Child 2114 has exited, removing its jail ā€˜/opt/lool/child-roots/2114ā€™

Any idea what can I do?

kit-02114-00 09:56:55.627452 [ loolkit ] link(ā€œ/opt/lool/systemplate/etc/resolv.confā€,ā€œ/opt/lool/child-roots/2114/etc/resolv.confā€) failed. Exiting. (errno: Operation not permitted)

Probably you are running docker with a kernel, which does not support capabilities on docker file system.
On Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) - Collabora Office and Collabora Online there is a note:

This docker image does not work on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, because Ubuntu
14.04 LTS has missing kernel compile option CONFIG_AUFS_XATTR=y, which
is leading to setcap not working on dockerā€™s aufs storage. Upstream bug:

I have Ubuntu 16.04 installed.

I see the new kernel can be testedā€¦

I too facing the same problem. My ubuntu uname -a details are

`Linux jbkinfotech-Lenovo-G570 4.2.0-27-generic #32~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 15:32:26 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux`

So as per above comments, just want to confirm, upgrading kernel will help me to fix the problem?

My docker details below:

sudo docker info
Containers: 1
 Running: 1
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 0
Images: 3
Server Version: 1.12.1
Storage Driver: aufs
 Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
 Backing Filesystem: extfs
 Dirs: 16
 Dirperm1 Supported: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Volume: local
 Network: null host bridge overlay
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Security Options: apparmor
Kernel Version: 4.2.0-27-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 4
Total Memory: 2.818 GiB
Name: developer-Lenovo-G570
ID: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): false
Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/
WARNING: No swap limit support
Insecure Registries:

It looks like this was not updated for the NGINX tutorial. Do you have any suggestions to fix this on NGINX?

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It seems after updating collabora it cause a problem for me too.
Iā€™ve corrected the URL scheme and apache main websocket settings.
Now when I want to open a document I got a connection error messageā€¦ā€œplease try laterā€, then I click ā€œokā€ on the message box and soon the document opens.
In the log file I have fond this:
wsd-00024-04 00:05:06.490725 [ prison_ws_0004 ] Missing JSON property: 'UserId' wsd-00024-04 00:05:06.490853 [ prison_ws_0004 ] Missing JSON property: 'UserFriendlyName' wsd-00024-04 00:05:06.490938 [ prison_ws_0004 ] Missing JSON property: 'UserCanWrite'What have i just missed?
Thanks for the reply!