Update integrity check Extra Files

Such a command doesn’t exist. You need to clean-up the files manually because the Nextcloud functions cannot judge if the files have erroneously been stored there or if the adminstrator has misconfigured the web server etc.

can you suggest how to process this output programmatically, ie a way to pass it to mv or other application to move them since the output is not very friendly unless you write a complex regex to get a list of these files?

I assume this question has come up before so someone must have a good answer to this instead of handling the output manually

You should clean-up the directory manually. There is no need to process all files one by one because it seems that a couple of app directories have erroneously been stored in the document root of Nextcloud. Move the whole directories (comments, lookup_server_connector, recommendations, …) with its content to a folder outside of the Nextcloud document root and that’s it.