"The database is missing some indexes." and "Some columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int." with phpmyadmin and-or CRON job (can't use occ command in shared hosting)

mostly I got it back, one error left

occ $ maintenance:mimetype:update-db
In Loader.php line 130:

Failed to get mimetype id for application/illustrator after trying to store

maintenance:mimetype:update-db [–repair-filecache]
occ $

I have only occ web or database access via phpadmin. Can help anyone?


For those using PostgreSQL:

ALTER TABLE oc_filecache
    ALTER COLUMN mtime SET DATA TYPE bigint,
    ALTER COLUMN storage_mtime SET DATA TYPE bigint;
CREATE INDEX initiator_index ON oc_share USING btree (uid_initiator);
CREATE INDEX owner_index ON oc_share USING btree (uid_owner);

Hello everybody,
First of all I wish you all very happy celebrations! :partying_face::tada::santa::confetti_ball::snowman_with_snow:

I turn to you regarding the new alerts in my configuration since the update from 17.0.1 to 17.0.2:
“Some columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int. […]”

I don’t know how to identify the characteristics to make the necessary sql commands myself, if someone can help me?

I know it should look something like this:

ALTER TABLE `???` MODIFY `mounts.storage_id` bigint ???;
ALTER TABLE `???` MODIFY `mounts.root_id` bigint ???;
ALTER TABLE `???` MODIFY `mounts.mount_id` bigint ???;

But I don’t know how to identify in which table (oc_filecache, oc_mimetypes, oc_storages, …) and what value to configure for each column (NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ or NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT)?

In advance thank you for your help and all wishes of happiness and good health to all :metal::kissing_heart::hugs:

@ffs69 https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/13704#issuecomment-567572073