Symbolic link support

Hi folks, +1 from me on this one.

Symlinks may seem like a gimmick but for some of us they’re hugely useful. Can I make some implementation suggestions:

  • no dereferencing server-side, only client-side
  • symlinks have to point to other files inside your Nextcloud data dir (which to me means relative links only, and no use of ‘…’ to escape the data dir) - so the server would necessarily need to validate this when a new link is uploaded/modified on the server

I believe these will avoid most security issues, including the /etc/passwd suggestion above. The only vector this doesn’t handle is loops: If some malicious user creates an infinite loop of symlinks the apps reading this on the client’s operating system should handle this anyway, as these could be created on systems not running Nextcloud.

Other apps - notably git - are making use of these and now that NTFS’s support for symlinks is more public its usage will only increase under Windows. It’d be a great feature to have and might open up some new possibilities for how Nextcloud can be used. Building symlink support in will also allow Nextcloud to understand symlinks that come in from External storage providers.