I applied the changes from the related pull request and the turnServerProtocols
errors disappeared, on admin panel and also in personal settings. This can be considered as “resolved” with the next spreed update.
But sadly that does not resolve the second problem with the actual video call I have. My current Opera developer browser version 43.0.2431.0 shows the following error in browser console when starting the spreed app:
Uncaught TypeError: avatarContainer.find(...).avatar is not a function
at child.hideVideo (app.js?v=ca4f717…:439)
at child.onStart (app.js?v=ca4f717…:384)
at child.r [as triggerMethod] (backbone.marionette.min.js?v=ca4f717…:9)
at child.start (backbone.marionette.min.js?v=ca4f717…:10)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (init.js?v=ca4f717…:25)
at j (jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:2)
at HTMLDocument.I (jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:2)
(anonymous) @ simplewebrtc.js?v=ca4f717…:13898
emit @ xhrconnection.js?v=ca4f717…:22
(anonymous) @ xhrconnection.js?v=ca4f717…:15
j @ jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:2
fireWith @ jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:2
x @ jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:4
(anonymous) @ jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:4
When I switch the video off, the following similar error shows up:
Uncaught TypeError: avatarContainer.find(...).avatar is not a function
at child.hideVideo (app.js?v=ca4f717…:439)
at child.disableVideo (app.js?v=ca4f717…:446)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (app.js?v=ca4f717…:172)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:3)
at HTMLButtonElement.r.handle (jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:3)
hideVideo @ app.js?v=ca4f717…:439
disableVideo @ app.js?v=ca4f717…:446
(anonymous) @ app.js?v=ca4f717…:172
dispatch @ jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:3
r.handle @ jquery.min.js?v=ca4f717…:3
As the “hide video” button does not show up, to connection is clear here ;). “show video” button is displayed correctly after video hidden. I tried with current Opera beta 43.0.2442.7 (actually newer, huh?), where the error messages are the same (in browser console) but even the voice toggle does not show up completely. On the other hand the same behaviour.
I tried with Edge: WebRTC is not supported to the “hide video” button does not need to show up . But I actually realizes that on Edge, when I try to add another user, after short searching the button for creating a public link shows up, which does not on Opera. Also the browser tab does not hang up.
I tried with Android 6 (cyanogenmod 13) standard browser and there everything works fine: video/auto toggle buttons, adding users, creating public link etc.
So in the end the issue related with the topic title is resolved but I face three maybe not related other errors on Opera browsers:
- Video hide button does not show up and throws error above in browser console.
- Trying to add users to call ends in endless searching without any user, group or public link option showing up.
- Browser tab hangs up:
- endless page loading is shown
- no possibility to open another website inside
- with open browser console it is not even possible to close the tab or whole browser anymore, besides killing the whole process.
I will open a new topic about this and will test also the stable version of opera.
- About the button visibility: Opera stable shows the same issue, actually also in all opera versions also do not show the “enable audio” button, so the other way round than video button
. But no error about this in browser console
- About showing users/participants: At least in opera stable the browser tab does not freeze. Also the users/participants show up and I can create a public room/link. But I was so far not able to have some real video connection with all possible browser combinations I have here…