Snapshot of Correct Nextcloudpi Permissions


I have found several posts with ‘permissions’ and ‘nextcloudpi’ but what I was looking for was a kind of ‘snapshot’ of what the ncdata directory should look like if you installed everything correctly out of the box.

I believe something has gone wrong with something in this directory. I would include more detail but right now I was just hoping for a screenshot or code paste of a correctly-installed terminal printout of a NCP ncdata directory so I could analyze each file / directory in there.

If anyone has this to paste that would be great. Thanks in advance.

Amazing, thanks Oliver

I had my nextcloud.log with correct permissions so now I know my problem is elsewhere. Thanks very much

Seems your other directories are owned by root rather than www-data, which is NextcloudPi user. As from this guide:

If you see no errors you should now be able to access /mnt/directory/location on the local file system. Now we will change ownership:group to the data in this location from root to www-data since that is used by Nextcloud in Docker. See current permissions with `$ ls -la /mnt/directory/location

$ sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /mnt/directory/location