If you are planing to update your server to Nextcloud 28 and you want to monitor, if all of your installed apps are already supported and you don’t want to search in extensive tables like → here ← but you want verbose information, simply run:
Show, which of your installed, not shipped apps are NOT (yet) supported for Nextcloud 28, taking into account all installed and enabled apps supported by minimum Nextcloud 26:
nc-apps --version=28 --min_version=26 --unsupported not_shipped enabled --nopager
nc-apps --version=28 shipped all --nopager
That will show you, that there are 48 shipped apps for nextcloud 28, while there are 49 for nextcloud 27. Then it is easy to compare and find out, that the files_rightclick
app has stopped to be an app on its own, since it is integrated into the nextcloud files
app as of Nextcloud 28.
Here some more random examples:
nc-apps all_apps enabled --nopager
nc-apps updatable all
nc-apps update all --allow-unstable
nc-apps id="text"
and much much more documented and hidden features…
Write me, if you need more functionality,