Restricting Domain Access to OnlyOffice doc server from nextcloud only

So I have made great progress: I have onlyoffice running in an LXC container, fully https accessible and everything works brilliantly from nextcloud. I use haproxy at the front of my LAN as I have a nextcloud, WordPress and now an onlyoffice documents server - all on different LAN Ip’s. haproxy directs traffic well. So far, so good.

What I think I need to do though is restrict access to the onlydocument server so that only requests from my nextcloud instance ( are accepted by onlyoffice, otherwise anyone can connect to it and edit documents to their hearts content - which would waste my resource but also expose a potential security issue. As it is, anyone can access my document servr via a web portal at - and I just know that’s not good.

Does anyone know how I can restrict access to my documents server to be exclusively from my instance?

Hello @wizlon,

Ipfilter parameter can be an option to restrict access to the document server. You can find this parameter in /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json

"ipfilter": {
           "rules": [{"address": "*", "allowed": true}],
           "useforrequest": false,
           "errorcode": 401

You can type in the ip address or the domain name.

Unfortunately, we do not have documentation for it.

Another solution is JWT token, as ipfilter is less secure. Please find more information about enabling JWT in our API documentation.

Thanks! I will give this a go, as I have given up with nginx & haproxy.

It’s probably not a big deal, but it does seem a sensible precaution.

Much appreciated

Thanks for the suggestion. So I typed this into the config file:

“ipfilter”: {
“rules”: [{“address”: “*”, “allowed”: true}],
“useforrequest”: false,
“errorcode”: 401

Followed of course by

sudo supervisorctl restart all

And the good news is I can still edit my documents, but the bad news is I can still access my document server from the web. :slight_smile:

Do I have anything wrong above? (I had to add a closing ‘},’ to your code).

I will check the JWT token.

Many thanks for your suggestions.


Ok, I tried the token. I have seen the “secret code” in the nextcloud app and thought it would be good to use. So I pasted this in my document file at /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json:

"services": {
    "CoAuthoring": {
        "secret": {
            "inbox": {
                "string": "mysecret"
            "outbox": {
                "string": "mysecret"
        "token": {
            "enable": {
                "browser": true,
                "request": {
                    "inbox": true,
                    "outbox": true

However, my supervisor restart gave me this:

root@onlyoffice:~# supervisorctl restart all
onlyoffice-documentserver:spellchecker: stopped
onlyoffice-documentserver:metrics: stopped
onlyoffice-documentserver:gc: stopped
onlyoffice-documentserver:docservice: stopped
onlyoffice-documentserver:converter: stopped
onlyoffice-documentserver:metrics: started
onlyoffice-documentserver:spellchecker: ERROR (spawn error)
onlyoffice-documentserver:gc: ERROR (spawn error)
onlyoffice-documentserver:docservice: ERROR (spawn error)
onlyoffice-documentserver:converter: ERROR (spawn error)

It’s all a bit strange as “nothing seems to work”, but at least the documents server works! :-/

Thanks for any pointers,



So I have still not successfully blocked www access to my document server, but I have finally cracked the simple) code for securing working access to the editors, which is better than where I was.

On your onlyoffice document server, you have to edit this file:


And do a search for “secret” (and in this case, you DO NEED the quotes as otherwise you get several hits). This will take you to the “secret”: json section, where there are three passwords…all of which are called “secret”. These are the DEFAULT secret passwords needed to enable the editors to function. Change these three entries to a new, identical password. Then goto nextcloud–>settings–>basic-settings and click on the advanced options for the onlyoffice app. Just find the “secret” entry and change it to your password in the json config file (this time WITHOUT the quotes of course) , then click save. Now your document server is password protected.

If I ever figure out how to block access from anything but my nextcloud instance, I will update this thread. Right now, things are better than they were (anyone could have used my onlyoffice server, but now at least it’s password-protected).

Apologies for being so slow to figure this out. As old as I am, I am a newbie to running a server. :slight_smile:


I tried the following :
Running my nextcloud and onlyoffice behind a proxy, which is only forwarding to the nextcloud instance. That means, the onlyoffice instance is isolated.

The two services do link together (I can setup the onlyoffice integration app via the settings successfully). However, when editing documents, we need direct access to the onlyoffice server. Nextcloud isn’t forwarding anything at that point. Your browser directly queries the onlyoffice server. So ya. I guess we are stuck with the app secret security.

@wizlon, thank you for your feedback, we will take it into account and try to improve the guide.

@pikaille, as we have answered you in this thread, you can try to set up your proxy server to pass on the requests to the document server or make an access to it open and enable JWT.

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I believe I’ve done what you were trying to do using apache proxypass combined with mod_rewrite:

  • proxypass the document server path (eg “/ds-vpath/”) to onlyoffice
  • use mod_rewrite to send any request that is not for onlyoffice back to nextcloud.

On Ubuntu 18.04 I created /etc/apache2/sites-available/proxy-onlyoffice.conf containing:

<VirtualHost *:80>

   AllowEncodedSlashes On
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule .* - [F]

    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:443>

   SSLEngine on
   SSLProxyEngine On
   SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
   SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

   Define VPATH /ds-vpath/
   Define DS_ADDRESS

  <Location ${VPATH}>
    Require all granted
    SetEnvIf Host "^(.*)$" THE_HOST=$1
    RequestHeader setifempty X-Forwarded-Proto https
    RequestHeader setifempty X-Forwarded-Host %{THE_HOST}e
    RequestHeader edit X-Forwarded-Host (.*) $1
    ProxyAddHeaders Off

  ProxyPassMatch ^\${VPATH}(.*)(\/websocket)$ "wss://${DS_ADDRESS}/${VPATH}/$1$2"
  ProxyPass ${VPATH} "https://${DS_ADDRESS}/${VPATH}"
  ProxyPassReverse ${VPATH} "https://${DS_ADDRESS}/${VPATH}"

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\${VPATH}
  RewriteRule "^/?(.*)"        "$1" [L,R,NE]


Then activate it:

a2ensite proxy-onlyoffice
systemctl restart apache2
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