Remove Imagick error on Ionos (1und1) webspace

I have the following error:

I flowed the description:

Everything went well like described
Still the same error

HowTo solve?

The provided description only covers the installation of the imagick command line program but seems not to cover the installation of the php-imagick module. Make sure that you install and activate that module for both the php cli and web component.


HowTo do this?

The availability of the php web components can be checked by creating a php file which you need to access with a web browser. For the php command line version you can execute php -mon the console to get the loaded modules listed.

I’m on IONOS Webspace!
What’s the solution for this kind of Installation?

Install package


Exactly! THX
I’m on Ionos Webspace
Can You pls tell me HowTo?

Please keep in mind, that this is the Nextcloud software support forum and not the IONOS support forum!

Installing a php module in your webspace is a core function which by default has nothing to do with Nextcloud itself, but the required web server and php environment to run Nextcloud. I would recommend get in touch with your IONOS support team and ask them for help if their guide doesn’t provide enough help for you to get the software installed.


My hope is That someone in a

Has also Installed the Software @ IONOS and can help to get The software running without errors.
What do You think are the chances here?
Can You maybe recommand another forum Where are specialists they may know how-to deal with Nextcloud in this Installation?

As You can see on 1,6k I’m maybe not alone with this problem

Only with ssh-shell access. root or sudo:

apt-get install php-imagick

Or ask your provider.

Some Linux distributions (like el8) don’t provide the imagick plug in for php for security reasons. Fortunately, you don’t need it for nextcloud. As far as I can tell, the ONLY thing it is used for is changing the color of the favicon if you set a custom color in the theme settings.

Thx for taking care!
So you think

  1. it is not possible to remove this at hosted on IONOS webspace :unamused:

  2. to correct that is not realy necessary:

Yes, just ignore the warning. The reason its a warning and not an error is because its not important.

Many THX

PS If you don’t mind I would be glad if you can also look @ my other posts concerning errors on my Nextcloud on IONOS.