PostgreSQL / Nextcloud


Is Nextcloud PostgreSQL backend exists ?

Thank you


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Yes, you have the option to configure a postgresSQL Db during installation.

please check

for further information

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Thank you very much john

I don’t understand why postgres feature is missing in installation wizzard


That’s funny indeed. Also the screenshots available taken from the installation wizard seem to lack the option to automatically configure Postgres:

As to the “Why is that” I’m at a loss. Perhaps @LukasReschke or one of the others more knowledgable than me can shed some light on this matter.

Thank you for the information i will ask to @LukasReschke

Have a nice day!

It’s missing if you did not enable the php extension for pdo postgres


php5-pgsql is installed but nothing change in wizzard step

To fix it you have to do

apt-get install php5-pgsql
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
and refresh your wizzard page

Thank you