Pi does not shut down properly

Ok I uninstalled antivirus and disabled SAMBA.
Without SAMBA the system reboots much faster and consistend. Otherwise I somtimes get 503 error after rebooting. Further when rebooting via console itā€™s also much faster than via web-interface. When rebooting via web-interface I noticed that SWAP goes from 0% up to 100% and takes forever to reboot. When rebooting via console the system shuts down instantly.
Strangeā€¦ but Iā€™m happy to know that SAMBA is causing this issue.

Now there is only one thing left. I canā€™t run my backup script via crontab.
The script is placed in: /root/scripts/backup.sh
I log in via user pi and get root rights: sudo -s
I gave it execution rights: chmod +x /root/scripts/backup.sh
I can start it manually and I get an email when the backup is finished.
In crontab -e it looks like: 0 3 * * * /root/scripts/backup.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
But crontab does not start the job.
Iā€™ve made a test job in crontab creating a file and writing ā€œcron is workingā€ in it. Thatā€™s working.
In the past I had the exact same setup doing my daily backup. Donā€™t know whats wrong with it.
This is what syslog says:
Apr 16 03:15:01 nextcloudpi CRON[436000]: (root) CMD (/root/scripts/backup.sh > /dev/null 2>&1)

Ok to finish this:
In crontab (nano /etc/crontab not crontab -e) I have to write: 0 3 * * * bash /root/scripts/backup.sh > /dev/null 2>&1. Now it works.
For the rest:

  • Donā€™t restore the database without the data and try to run NC.
  • Enabling SAMBA can result in pretty long shutdown and reboot processes. Without it works much better.
  • Shutdown and reboot via SSH works much faster than via ncp-panel.

I donā€™t know why the last to points are a problem with my instance. But at least I know how to get around.