Php-updater - a script to upgrade php in a safe way

Thanks. Yes, internet access and DNS working fine. I know when I ran the initial wget command though from the Ubuntu host nothing downloaded - I just ended up with a zero byte file. I opened in Chrome manually and the script appeared inline immediately, so I copy/pasted that into the file in Linux. Didn’t think anything of it really, but when I run it with sudo, it just fails on loading the modules every time.

Is it actually pulling the modules down from, or from a general internet repo?

But that chrome-browser is not on the same host as your server, right?

It still looks like you have no access to the server from your linux host.

You can test the connection with these commands, which you should run on your linux server:

ping -c 4
nc -zv 443
(( $(curl -I -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} == 200 )) && echo "connected" || echo "not connected"

You can send me the output per PM if you want is the module server


Much and good luck,

Hello Ernolf,

Firstly, thank you for investing your time in helping this community, very impressive and I extend my gratitude.

I am running into syntax errors and I hope you can direct me down a path to a resolution.

There is no log file in /tmp

root@castlegate:/# php-updater --list-installed

  actual PHP related packages installed and managed by dpkg
X    Package                Version                                       Status
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  libapache2-mod-php     2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 ia
SAPI libapache2-mod-php8.1  8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               im
     \apache2handler /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ <ACTIVE> loaded
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php                    2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 ia
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 2 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "2 - 1 ")
META php8.1                 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
   - php8.1-apcu            5.1.21+4.0.11-7ubuntu1                          ia
     \included module: apcu 
   - php8.1-bcmath          8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included module: bcmath 
SAPI php8.1-cli             8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \php binary /usr/bin/php8.1 <ACTIVE> linked to generic /usr/bin/php
   - php8.1-common          8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included modules: calendar ctype exif ffi fileinfo ftp gettext iconv pdo 
       phar posix shmop sockets sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer 
   - php8.1-curl            8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included module: curl 
   - php8.1-gd              8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included module: gd 
   - php8.1-gmp             8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included module: gmp 
   - php8.1-imagick         3.6.0-4ubuntu1                                  ia
     \included module: imagick 
   - php8.1-intl            8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included module: intl 
   - php8.1-mbstring        8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included module: mbstring 
   - php8.1-mysql           8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included modules: mysqli mysqlnd pdo_mysql 
   - php8.1-opcache         8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included module: opcache 
   - php8.1-readline        8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included module: readline 
   - php8.1-smbclient       1.0.6-6                                         ia
     \included module: smbclient 
   - php8.1-xml             8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               ia
     \included modules: dom simplexml xml xmlreader xmlwriter xsl 
   - php8.1-zip             8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20                               im
     \included module: zip 
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-apcu               5.1.21+4.0.11-7ubuntu1                          im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-bcmath             2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-cli                2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
   - php-common             2:92ubuntu1                                     im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-curl               2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-gd                 2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-gmp                2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-imagick            3.6.0-4ubuntu1                                  im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-intl               2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-mbstring           2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-mysql              2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-smbclient          1.0.6-6                                         im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-xml                2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
/dev/fd/61: line 209: ((: q2 1 - 1 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1 - 1 ")
DEP  php-zip                2:8.1+92ubuntu1                                 im
  Status: - First letter (Desired Action):    - Second letter (Package Status):
            u=Unknown - i=Install - h=Hold      a=Automatic - m=Manual

Hi @sidewyz1,

Thank you for this valuable feedback!

I recently rewritten the code significantly. Since it happens in a test that is not carried out on my system because I have not installed any dependency packages, I unfortunately “missed it”.

It’s been fixed.

Much and good luck,

Worked like a charm!

Thank you. Coffee incoming…

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This was a great script. I use HanssonIT as an LXC. The script ran without issue and I was able to get up to php8.3 on Ubunutu22 LTS.

Thanks @ernolf. This was a great script with lots of ID ten T protections.

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