Our web server is not properly set up to resolve "/.well-known/caldav"

Yes, I’ve just tested it with a fresh cache and it’s giving me the same response.

I’m also having the front page refresh every 5 seconds. I was hoping to fix one problem at a time but maybe these things are interconnected

Also I thought I had fixed the file integrity problems in this thread: Is there a way to override file integrity check failures?

I thought I had fixed it because I no longer saw the file integrity errors but when I started looking into the 5 second refresh problem I found I could check which files were giving me trouble by checking this url: https://cloud.jackalope.tech/index.php/settings/integrity/failed

Though of course that url might be very old and simply not refreshed as the caldav etc issues might be preventing that. I’m unsure.

So I have 3 mysterious problems and I’m not sure how they’re related. :frowning: