[Onlyoffice] Error while downloading the document file to be converted

I had the same problem. I fixed it by changeing the host of my nextcloud domain.

Look into the interaction betwenn onlyoffice componnents. I had the same issue and solved it by noticing that the docservice could not connect to rabbitmq. So I set the password for rabbitmq one again and it was working. Look closely in your /var/log/rabbitmq files
Hope it helps

Fellows, Onlyoffice DocumentServer 5.5.1 seems to be broken. I have downgraded to Onlyoffice Document Server 5.5.0 using GitHub deb file and my Nextcloud instance is connecting back to the Document Server without issues.
Here is the link I used to download deb file. I followed all pre-requisites installation instructions including postgresql from the Onlyoffice forum.

I had the same issue, since my Nextcloud and my OnlyOffice share the same server and they are behind reverse proxies, I just add ‘trusted_proxies’ into my config.php file
Hope this can help.

this problem was my headache for a day, until out of options I disabled Cloudfrare proxy, then it finally worked.
hope this help anyone still on this. I will check back later to see if there is any way to solve it while still using cloudflare proxy, but I dont have any expectations

We had the same issue at my company, and the problem was that the secret text field placeholder was not really a placeholder, but really a text with the same text than the placeholder.

Since we had no secret, it generated the error. Removing the text fixed the issue.


I hope I can still help. I’ve found out that the discord app and the onlyoffice-documentserver are not configured properly out of the box. The solution is this

Solution for docker

  1. In docker-compose.yml change the line - JWT_HEADER=Authorization to - JWT_HEADER=AuthorizationJwt
  2. In Nextcloud’s config.php add this:
  'onlyoffice' =>
    array (
      "jwt_secret" => "yourSecret",
      "jwt_header" => "AuthorizationJwt"
  1. Then just go to Onlyoffice settings in Nextcloud, set the Onlyoffice server’s addres, put in your secret and save

Solution for normal install

  1. In /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/local.json change all "header": "Authorization", lines to "header": "AuthorizationJwt",
  2. In Nextcloud’s config.php add this:
  'onlyoffice' =>
    array (
      "jwt_secret" => "yourSecret",
      "jwt_header" => "AuthorizationJwt"
  1. Then just go to Onlyoffice settings in Nextcloud, set the Onlyoffice server’s addres, put in your secret and save

I Kiss you! It was the secret text “placeholder” which was NOT a placeholder, but real text. NOW it works!


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Strange, Onlyoffice document server and docker container, “Authorization” works well and no need of adding extra code to the Nextcloud config file.

Thank you… You made my day!

Thank you for the post. Actual I us “docker run” for onlyoffice because my first try to create onlyoffice docker-compose.yml doesn’t work like “docker run”. Can you send me you working docker-compose.yml please?

Well, how am I supposed to change the config.php persistently with Nextcloud AIO?