OnlyOffice compiled with Mobile Edit Back

It seems they have changed the format of function that needs to be changed. It looks like this now:
docker exec onlyOff grep -oP ā€˜.{0,10}isSupportEditFeature=.{20}ā€™ /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/dist/js/app.js =>null;ev.isSupportEditFeature=()=>!1;var tv,nv,rv=

so we need to use command like this now:

docker exec onlyOff sed -i ā€˜s/isSupportEditFeature=()=>!1/isSupportEditFeature=()=>1/gā€™ /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/dist/js/app.js && docker exec onlyOff sed -i ā€˜s/isSupportEditFeature=()=>!1/isSupportEditFeature=()=>1/gā€™ /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/documenteditor/mobile/dist/js/app.js && docker exec onlyOff sed -i ā€˜s/isSupportEditFeature=()=>!1/isSupportEditFeature=()=>1/gā€™ /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/dist/js/app.js && docker restart onlyOff

I have downloaded the latest version 8.1.3 as a container for Synology.
When starting the container, it claims that redis port is incorrect. What should I put in there ?

EDIT : I inserted in the parameters REDIS_SERVER_HOST=localhost
and it it working fine. Thanks.