Occ lacks execute permission bit

Hi @afluegel

There are good reasons not to do so.

Normaly one creates aliases for such tasks.

Create a file (if not yet exists) in your user directory


which is normaly sourced by your bash

(look if the file ~/.bashrc contains this lines:

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases


and there you can enter it as an alias or even better (more stable) as a function:

occ() {
    sudo -u $NC_USER -f "$NC_DIR/occ" "$@"

If you want to use it right away, you should source it in your actual terminal session:

source ~/.bash_aliases

(it will be sourced in your bash in future automaticaly)

Now you can simply work with “occ” from your terminal.

I created a → 0 configuration wrapper for occ ← which enables you to use occ out of the box, without messing around with user and/or execution bit. It is written for Ubuntu/Debian but if you install the dependencies first, it could be that it works.
I would be hapy to get feedback about that.

These are the dependcies: curl, gnu-gpg, jq and at least php-cli in case you are running Nextcloud All-in-One

Much and good luck,