NextCloudPI, Raspberry Pi 4 8Go & Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server (ARM64) - unable to activate

As Collabora CODE is available for ARM64, i’ve tried to install it in my NextCloudPi (Nextcloud 20, NCP v1.30).

First as CODE server seems to be a bigger app, there is a timeout when installing throught the interface, but no problem to install it with the OCC commande.

Second, the Collabora CODE Server - even if everything appears to work in the nexcloud parameters, isn’t really working, as the Collabora app don’t see the CODE server at all.

Can you help me ? is it because Raspbian is 32bits only ?

I have the Built-in CODE Server (ARM64) running successfully on my Nextcloud 19.0.4 Raspberry Pi4 4GB Linux 5.4.0-1022-raspi aarch64 with lubuntu 20.04, PHP 7.4.3, MariaDB 10.3.25, Nginx 1.18.0 and it works surprisingly well.

Yes, here is the guide to confirm.

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You can easely install NextcloudPi on the Pi OS Lite 64bit

Then : # curl -sSL | bash

After that, Nextcloud is a little snappier, and support a working install of CollaboraCODE.

I don’t know why NextcloudPi doesn’t offer a prepbuilt image with this 64b OS !

I actually got the CollaboraCODE server running on my Pi 4 4GB, with the latest NCP image arm64.
It’s painfully slow, but it works

Here is how I did it =>

Here it is.