NextcloudPi - Add any guides, posts, and other information you find online!

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Setting Up NextcloudPi Walkthrough

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  • View all topics on the forum with ncp tag.
  • See appliance category specific to devices with ncp, snap, docker, and vm.

Common Problems and Confusion

Click Here to See Collabora System Requirements
Just for Collabora.  Nextcloud in addition!
Linux x86-64 or ARM64 (aarch64) platform
2 CPU cores
+ 100 MB RAM / user
100 kbit/s network bandwidth / user
350 MB space on disk
Nextcloud 19 with Collabora Online app 3.7.0 or higher
glibc (AppImage does not support musl libc)
Fontconfig ( - required by Collabora_Online.AppImage)
armhf arm32 not supported!!!

Learn Basic Linux skills

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I built a custom Docker image from the official Nextcloud image, which works with the Raspberry Pi 4 and 5. The Docker compose includes a container for Nextcloud, MySQL database, and a Redis Cache Server. I have also added the fixes for adding more PHP memory and adding additional PHP extensions. Video Thumbnails and corn jobs are also supported.

The how-to shows how to install and set up Nextcloud, nginx reverse proxy, & collaborate online.

Feel Free to take a look and test it out for yourself. If it all works well for you, please let me know, as I am trying to make sure my custom image is quick and easy for anyone else to use.

Please answer the poll to see if this worked for you, if it didn’t work, or if more support is needed.