[SOLVED] Nextcloud Vue: Prop name of NcAppNavigationNewItem does not display

I set the name prop of NcAppNavigationNewItem but it does not display. Here’s my code.

	<NcContent id="content" app-name="qlcv">
			<div class="nav">
				<NcAppNavigationItem id="upcomingtasks" :exact="true" name="Tác vụ sắp tới"
					@click="updateValue('Tác vụ sắp tới')">
					<template #icon>
						<CalendarOutline :size="20" />
				<NcAppNavigationItem v-if="works.length" id="allworks" :exact="true"
					:title="t('qlcv', 'Tất cả công việc')" :allowCollapse="true" :open="true">
					<template #icon>
						<Magnify :size="20" />
						<NcAppNavigationItem v-for="(item, index) in works" :key="`work-${index}`"
							:title="t('qlcv', item.name)">
							<template #icon>
								<NcAppNavigationIconBullet color="0082c9" />
							<template #actions>
									<template #icon>
										<Pencil :size="20" />
									Chỉnh sửa
									<template #icon>
										<Delete :size="20" />
				<NcAppNavigationNewItem editPlaceholder="Tên công việc" name="New"
					@new-item="function (value) { alert(value) }">
					<template #icon>
						<Plus :size="20" />

		<NcAppContent class="parent">
			<router-view />

Please help me :frowning:

What version of @ nextcloud/vue are you using? Earlier it was called title. Maybe just the wrong version in use?

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It’s 7.3.0. I changed name to title and it works. I also see the link for @nextcloud/vue version for Nextcloud 27 here: https://stable7--nextcloud-vue-components.netlify.app. Thank you so much.

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