Nextcloud performance expectations

It’s also pretty easy in Docker to map the container’s config folder to a folder on the host, giving you direct access to the files. I did this with my data folder as well. Having run it for a while, I’m finding I generally have little need to go in there, but seeing how haphazardly Docker can discard volumes if you aren’t careful, I felt safer storing the data this way.

Hi everyone

Thank you all so much for your help.

I set up a non-snap Nextcloud install for testing. I also cleared out and zipped my files where I could, and managed to get it down to 100,000 with 40GB.

I am sad to say though, that the out-of-the box sync performance of Seafile is still so much better than Nextcloud, I think I will go with that. I am sure I haven’t got the best possible performance from Nextcloud yet. But even so I don’t think that could make up the difference right now. It’s a shame, there are several reasons why I would prefer to use Nextcloud. It looks like if I had less stuff it would be perfect!

Really love and grateful for the work on the Nextcloud project & community. We are lucky to have open source alternatives to dropbox etc. Maybe if the developers come back to take another look at sync at some point I will be able to give it another try. Thanks again guys.

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