NextCloud LDAP setup

Hey everyone! I just got my own NextCloud server running. Now I’m just trying to sync all the users from Windows Server AD to NextCloud using LDAP.

I installed LDAP service on my Windows Server 2016. I ran the ldap.exe, typed in liias.local and port 389, it connected and displayed some text.

This is how my AD Users and Computers looks like. I’ll be using account “nextcloud” when configuring LDAP in NextCloud.

I’m not sure how I should be filling out these gaps. is the IP-address of my Windows Server 2016. I’d like to use “nextcloud” user under OU Users. My domain is liias.local.

Could anyone give me advice on what to do next? Or maybe I have skipped something? Still very new to all of this. Cheers for reading.

fill the user DN with your preferred user nextcloud and password with pass.
fill one base dn per line with dc=liias,dc=local

Have a look here

To have proper usernames show up in NC, read this

As always, MS’ implementation has its “exceptions”…

I still can’t get past this :sweat_smile: What would you change?

Use liias\nextcloud in the first credentials field…

Make sure the nextcloud user has the proper rights.

Do I need to configure a LDAP server for this to work? I’m still struggling.

Have you done Active Directory on Windows server before?
If the server is a domain controller, nothing else needs to be done…

I don’t have ldap:// in the first field, only IP address

Thanks for the replies! I managed to get it to work.

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dear JanarNext, hi!
can you please say how you managed this to work? I’m in the same situation as you and urgent to fix it.