NC11 too many errors post installation..................Help

The first 3 errors with “turnServerProtocols” are related to a known bug in the spreed app. See my issue here, where you will also find the related github issue with fix. I applied the fix (changes in files) manually and the errors are gone for me. So the next version of spreed app should solve it. (There are also other problems described in my topic, which are independent and browser related)

The following errors are related to this topic and also already forwarded to github. As long as it is not yet fixed I mentioned some workaround in the link. You have to exclude mp3 files from the preview generation to get rid of the error messages, see my answers in the linked topic for this. Of course this will also prevent the previously well shown mp3 previews, but I guess you could live with this, until the bug is fixed by the developers ;).