NC client 3.6.4 stays stuck, with CPU usage (const. 13% of my Ryzen5)

Since (I think) my upgrade from NC24 to 25, my Windows desktop client (3.6.4) remains at sync state, with no way to right-click on NC systray icon.

I can’t open Windows explorer until I force NC to close.

It works on my two others PC on Windows (Win11 for all of them) but, despite uninstall/reinstall, I can’t make it work on my main computer.
appdata/roaming/owncloud.log is big (14Mo) but doesn’t seem to show any problem: there are a lot of SQL query all done is few seconds, then

[ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob C:\Users\sysadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\2\windows-12824\client-building\desktop\src\libsync\abstractnetworkjob.cpp:361 ]: OCC::PutMultiFileJob created for “https://mydomain” + “” “OCC::BulkPropagatorJob”

Then nothing until I stop app and have this 3 times on log

[ debug nextcloud.gui.folderwatcher C:\Users\sysadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\2\windows-12824\client-building\desktop\src\gui\folderwatcher_win.cpp:160 ] [ OCC::WatcherThread::watchChanges ]: Skipping syncing of “C:/Users/pro/Nextcloud3/zzz”

I randomly tried to delete appdata/local/Nextcloud but it didn’t change anything.

How can I fix this?

I had a very similar problem, see Desktop client no longer updates files and hangs Windows Explorer
How are bandwidth limit and proxy set in the desktop client? Can you try to disable bandwidth limit?

That’s exactly right, thank you!

I just got stuck on another PC that was working until then. I tested by activating DL/UL limit and shortly after, it blocked exactly as on my other PC.