Mirroring of two nextcloud server

Short story:
I’m running a Nextcloud instance on some webhosting. And would like to clone this setup so that it is also available on another domain. Any recommendations to make this happen?

Long story:
I have Nextcloud running via nc.it-visibility.net. The folder behind it is in some webhosting as /http/it-visibility.net/nc.
I would like to clone this within the same webhosting environment. And run it via nc.cyberbrein.nl with the folder /http/cyberbrein.nl/nc.


If the same Nextcloud instance needs to be available under a second domain name, there is no need to clone it. You can simply add another domain name to your web server config and to your Nextcloud config.

If you want to real clone it read backup and restore. Use new names e.g. for database, …

With time Nextclouds differ. They are two Nextclouds with different paths and database.