Migration from Owncloud 9.1.6 to Nextcloud 10.0.5 fails

Thanks, jospoortvliet
I see you fixed the migration information :smiley:

Still broke btw…

The updater script issue Migration script may download incompatible Nextcloud version · Issue #5425 · nextcloud/server · GitHub got closed now with “There is a patch in the repo for this already.”

The documentation issue https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/5426 erroneoulsy got closed as a duplicate of above, while it should be closed fixed, as i now see at Nextcloud - Migration guide :

Note that ownCloud 9.1.6 breaks easy upgrading to Nextcloud 10.0.5. We will fix this in 10.0.6! Similar, ownCloud 10.0.2 and 10.0.3 can’t yet be upgraded to Nextcloud 12, which will be fixed with Nextcloud 12.0.1. We want to make sure we properly test the upgrade paths!

As always there may be further issues too… Just run into this theming bug https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/4987 on 11 something to 12.0.0 upgrade

Nextcloud 10.0.6 is available since August 7th. But:

What’s the status then?

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seems like the update server tells the migration script what to do:

url from updater log: https://updates.nextcloud.org/owncloud-migration/?version=9x1x6x2xxxstablexx2017-05-30T17%3A13%3A25%2B00%3A00+0e399c6378c925c6859b4412dd142a862db1544ex5x6x30


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <versionstring>Nextcloud 10.0.5</versionstring>

Any update? Migration is still broke.

Migration tool report

Current version is 9.1.6.
Migration to Nextcloud 10.0.5 available.
Following file will be downloaded automatically: https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-10.0.5.zip

Can’t continue migration … Nextcloud 10.0.6 is needed during migration … and is available for download
Nobody there to correct the migration process … ???


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Hello all,

I’ve hit the same wall a few weeks ago and I found a workaround that worked for me: perhaps can help someone.

I downloaded the owncloud-10.0.0 tarball from owncloud and used it to upgrade my former owncloud installation. After that the nextcloud upgrade to 12.0.0 worked like a charm… :slight_smile:

I’m in discussion about this subject on Github: