Mastercontainer unlinked

Hi! After testing some changes in my docker-compose.yml, I run docker compose down, deleted the nextcloud-mastercontainer volume and then docker compose up -d again. I received this error when I go to and click on the button Open NextCloud AIO Interface:

Warning : Undefined array key “AIO_TOKEN” in /var/www/docker-aio/php/src/Data/ConfigurationManager.php on line 26

Slim Application Error

A website error has occurred. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.

If I open https://my-ip-address:8080/ on a new tab I can login using the AIO password, but the one I had saved it didn’t work, so I inspected the new nextcloud-mastercontainer volume and copy the new one. But when I use it to login, it show me this:

Nextcloud AIO v7.2.1

Domaincheck container is not running

This is not expected. Most likely this happened because port 11000 is already in use on your server. You can check the mastercontainer logs and domaincheck container logs for further clues. You should be able to resolve this by adjusting the APACHE_PORT by following the reverse proxy documentation . Advice: have a detailed look at the changed docker run command for AIO.

So, I assume the token on the button Open NextCloud AIO Interface is no longer valid and I have to sync the new password on my NextCloud.

How can I do that?

Hi, it looks like you deleted the nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer docker volume which was holding the persistent data?

Yes, I’m sure I did it. :sweat: What can I do now?

Best would be to restore a backup

Ops, I’m afraid I did not make one before proceed.

  • Now I’m reading the documentation about backup and restore processes and I don’t know where I have to set the mantenance mode.

    Maybe inside the nextcloud-aio-apache container?

  • What about the db?

    Do I have to launch the command for export in the nextcloud-aio-database container too?
    Where can I get the PGPASSWORD?

  • I have the ncdata directory mapped to a NFS path, I assume I can launch the rsync command from the host itself (an LXC container) and it will cover the data, configs, themes part, isn’t it?

Sorry, I don’t want messing up one more time

So if you dont have a backup then it is not possible to recover the AIO instance. You could now either try to start from scratch via or follow

Thanks, it’s done.

From now on I’m going to set a backup folder on the nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer and do my duties :sweat:

Btw, the app User migration did the trick.

I would recommend to just use the built-in backup solution of AIO which will backup all important stuff.

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Yes, a lesson to be learned.

I’m doing the first backup right now. In the meantime I’m looking for some info to fixing some problems I’ve found.

First, I’ve seen lag on this new installation when I try browse my files or my photos. Actually I can’t see the photos, and I’ve found this message in the nextcloud-aio-apache log:

nextcloud [error] [(70007)The timeout specified has expired] [client: [AH01075: Error dispatching request to […]: (polling)]

I want to test the solution proposed here, but I don’t know how could stop the apache service and launch that command. Besides, I want to try this other tweak.

In addition, I would like delete the preview folder and recreate it (the one located on /path/to/nextcloud/folder]/appdata_*/preview), but I cannot do it because I receive a permission denied response when I launch the command. How could I doing this?

Thanks in advance!