Login form not showing on Chrome

Yes i have the occ file inside the NC directory.What Shall i do with that?
Look on how admin looks in Firefox

and how it is on Chrome


Please execute:

occ log:manage --level error
occ log:tail
occ log:watch

and paste it here.

As strange as it may seem!
All is fixed by a small change!
I am using ovh, in the .ovhconfig file, I changed the app.engine=php to app.engine=phpcgi
now all is working on all browsers and even mobile!
I checked all my sites and sub-sites! all is working fine!
I am not an expert! but do you think this is usual!

You mean ovh the french server-hoster ?

Yes indeed.

Congrats, unfortunately I have the same problem now, with two different virtual servers. Is the .ovhconfig like the .htaccess or is there any file like this outside the ovh univers?

If you are not with ovh, contact your host asking them how to change the php to phpcgi.
the .ovhconfig is in the root, with the same path like www
this is what the .ovhconfig file contains



I hope it will work for you.

Yes and no :wink:
As I am root :mechanical_arm: I’ve installed php-cgi and now it works.
But to solve the problem with onlyoffice “loading” I had to disable caching in the nextcloud config.php.

onlyoffice loading and loading…


Well, at least you knew something:) there is nothing perfect…it is like the flood:) you fix a part, then water comes from another:)
How did u get the documents editing working!

I have found this Link. an disabled “memcache” and redis in the config.php

I tried the collabora, in vein, and it seems not only me. As I am in a shared hosting, I can’t do nothing.
I tried the integrate offince but it needs an office online server…
I will try the myoffice and see…
I wish you all the best and thanks for keeping with me:)

Your are welcome :))

How much gigs do you need and how much users are there?

We have 23 users but only 4 will have the right to edit. For the gigas…you know that office documents arent huge but in long long term they beome
I have NC installed in my server. it is not for the public but for the managers as they are a football team😀

ok, own server but shared hosting ? How do this work?

By my server I mean the 1 on the hosting plan😁
A vps is good but I cnt afford it and manage it.

What do you pay for the hosting plan ? I’ve gave to a client hosted Nextcloud 1TB 50 User for about 13 € a month . Do you pay less ?

I installed it on a subdomaine. So unlimited users. For the storage we do not need much. It is mostly documents. Up to know with photos, documents and 5 videos the total doesnt exceed the 3Giga.
What we have now is really more than enough…i just discovered the document editing…but cldnt make any work😁

Perfect! Any question, you are welcome. Good Luck and have a lot of fun :smile:

I will buy a VPS and try to install Collabora.
I have an office 365 but couldnt figure how to get their url of the OOS😈
Pple are making things harder these days when it comes to installing…I like the old days😈
Thank you so much.

ALSO… if this is an issue on all browsers where you log in form is not appearing via Web Access Only. IF you are using Cloudfare, turn OFF the Rocket Load Feature. This corrected my issue.

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