Following the script from user zisuu about 2/3 of the way down this page, I was able to resolve the lock. The desktop client is now working fine.
My script was slightly different from zisuu’s since I use docker. My command sequence looked like this:
docker exec -it --user www-data nextcloud php occ files:scan --all
docker exec -it --user www-data nextcloud php occ files:cleanup
docker exec -it --user www-data nextcloud php occ maintenance:mode --on
docker exec -it --user root nextcloud-mariadb mysql -u root -p'<DatabaseRootPassword>' -D nextcloud -e 'delete from oc_file_locks where 1'
docker exec -it --user www-data nextcloud php occ maintenance:mode --off
then I rebooted the server.
I am now back to the original problem, which is a conflict that refuses to resolve. I tried to tell it that I want the local version of the file, and it simply won’t allow it.
I notice that the server version of the file, once it is downloaded to me again, is marked readonly.
And when I try to replace it with the local version, the conflict arises again.
I even tried to
- Let it restore the server version
- Clear the readonly flag
- Let it sync
- Then overwrite with the local version.
That led to the same result.
Finally I tried what I had seen someone else suggest, which is to
- Create a new folder
- Move all the contents of the folder with the problem file into it (except for the offending file)
- Blow away the old folder.
Now both the file scan on the server, and the sync on the desktop client, are successful.