Is there a PayPal donation account for Next Cloud

Is there a PayPal donation account for Next Cloud?


@jospoortvliet do you know more about that one?

Iā€™ve dropped dropbox and using community nextcloud and I like it so much, I would like to give something towards the project other than a good review.


Same problem. Any donation account requested.

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Hello from Nextcloud! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm :slight_smile: :slight_smile: .To answer your question, we donā€™t have an option to donate money. We of course do thankfully receive ā€œdonationsā€ in the form of your time and effort for helping our community or improving our code. And if you happen to be connected to a company who would be interested in Nextcloud Enterprise, we would also be thankful for your endorsement <3 (Nextcloud Enterprise is our (paid) subscription for businesses which comes with support and other business critical benefits.) Cheers :slight_smile:

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ok, thank you.

But maybe you should consider a Paypal account for Nextcloud.
Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one who would contribute for the community edition.

Thanks again


I was lookng for the sameā€¦