Is Nextcloud for Home Enthusiasts or Home Experts?


You’re right, the NC devs don’t spend all of their time around here, and when they do they’re likely responding to something specific in one of the hundreds of mentions they get weekly. They are however very active on GitHub which is their day-to-day hangout given that’s where development and bug squashing is taking place.

There’s a distinction between “how do I install this properly” and “this isn’t working as expected” - the former is redirected to the community while the latter may be debugged here on the forum, but ultimately goes to GitHub to be properly tracked and resolved. If the devs were to spend more time here troubleshooting installation problems and general how-to questions, 12.0.1 likely wouldn’t be out for several more months.

Where your gripes come in, I guess, is that you’ve got issues there’s possibly 20-30+ topics discussing already and resolutions should be available (I’m assuming really as I didn’t catch your earlier topics), but it’s not so much a bug as an installation problem and therefore the community should be more than capable of resolving this; some of us have even written end-to-end guides like myself and @riegerCLOUD.

Not everyone in the community is here to try to resolve issues, which means there are fewer power users who get online when they can to help; though plenty we are, timezones, work and other life tasks that pay the bills get in the way (hence my seeing this now and not hours ago when it was posted), but it’s all free and if you’re proactive about your issue (posting and waiting days for example won’t get you far - judging by the amount of new topics that come in daily yours will get lost in hours, nevermind days) - by which I mean a couple of bumps to bring it back up to the top now and then (again making new topics, not the way to do this) will usually get someone’s attention.

To target some comments specifically:

These topics?

There’d be nothing to stop you asking for the info provided to be simplified, @MichaIng would I’m sure love to incorporate that feedback into his guide if he was told, thus helping more people.

It’s not even a question of interpreting to be fair, the snap is read-only, meaning you can’t edit pretty much anything; this is mentioned in several topics (and by me many times). This is by design though, so as a new user you run a few commands and the snap runs autonomously… it’s the very point of the Nextcloud Box.

See above, I guess. To add, on average we see >200 new topics a week, even if the small(ish) NC team did spend more time here picking up tickets, they couldn’t be expected to keep up with that pace.

Yes and no, experience helps but I’d refer back to the guides; plus should your topic(s) get picked up in the forum you’ll generally get step by steps there too. It’s worth keeping an open mind to the “home” definition too, the many thousands of installations on home networks is more than enough for NC to push it as a solution available for home users.

Good suggestions. More about this is discussed here:

Are you referring to the howto category with the relevant FAQs and such, or the official documentation? Because the latter certainly is version specific.

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