Installing Nextcloud to a Previously Used Ubuntu Server

Hello, I am planning on installing Nextcloud to an older Ubuntu 18.04 server that I have. This server has an old install of some things on it such as phpbb and I suppose an sql db - maybe some other things. Anyways, I do not need any of that any longer. I was going to follow some instructions i found on installing Nextcloud snap - it sounded like the way to go. Would that be correct? I would like to just get rid of all the previous things installed to this servier - If i install nextcloud snap to this server will it just overwrite/replace everything? Or, is there something I should do ahead of time to clean this server up to prepare for nextcloud snap?

The actual ubuntu release is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Please upgrade to or install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Do not start with a supported but old version (18.04 LTS).

Snap has a lot of advantages but also disadvantages.
Do you really need Snap? Do you really want Snap? Why Snap?

If you do not use Snap you would not ask this question.

Yes, I suppose updating the server release to most current would makes some sense.

Why snap - because where I looked at information about installing Nextcloud on a ubuntu server (ie. digitalocean as well as on nextcloud) the recommendation appeared to be to use snap. What are the advantages/disadvantages - can you point me to some info on that?

if i were to install nextcloud in another way (not snap), I would ask the same question. I believe it would be prudent (if not necessary?) to clear the previous phpbb install from the server prior to installing nextcloud?

There was a person with a snap nextcloud instance with perhaps 100 users. That works fine. The person wanted to change from one domain to another domain. For changing it was necessary to activate the old and the new domain for some time at the same time. I asked in this forum but i get no (good) answer for snap. The answer was a reverse proxy in front of snap. The normal answer without snap is to add the virtual host in apache2 and configure one line in nextcloud config and use e.g. “certbot”.

Installation Nextlcoud with Apache2 (Debian):
Installation Nextcloud with nginx (Ubuntu):

You can combine both guides e.g. to install Nextcloud on Ubuntu with Apache2.
If you use a normal installation you must know a little bit more about Apache2, Nextcloud, MariaDB and Lets Encrypt. But then you can solve problems better than with Snap.

Thanks, I will have a read of these links. Also, I’m kind of thinking a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04 would be better than trying to upgrade - I’m assuming this would cleanup my machine better.

@sambo I made a tutorial on Ubuntu with apache2: Making a nextcloud server on old laptop with personal domain - #5 by Mageunic