Installing guests app

hi all,

i have downloaded the guest app via github -

i have copied the zip file via an ftp client to my linux machine, unzipped the file but now how do i install it, do i just copy “guests-master” to /var/www/html/nextcloud/guests-master ?



Name this app folder to “guests” and place it under

Then login to your nextcloud server as admin, and go to the “app” section. You should see the app “Guests” under “your apps” and be able to enable it there - as long as your server version is supported by this app.

thanks mate, easy enough

i have the latest version of nextcloud v12.0.3

have you any idea when its coming out in the app store?

Unfortunately no.
We are waiting for some feedback in this thread here as well:

i see it in my apps on the web gui but i cant enable it its greyed out

i have made owner group apache like the others -

chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/guests

Afaik everyone is busy with other customer related things ATM so it will take a few more weeks to months until it is tested and released. You can of course always just start to work on it on your own to get it done more quickly.

thats fine, i understand as i can see it on my apps list but the enabled button is greyed out even when i have changed permissions to apache

The app only appears in your list, because you copied it into the apps folder and it is very likely grayed out because some dependencies are not fulfilled.

Looking into guests/appinfo/info.xml
it reads:

		<owncloud min-version="10.0" max-version="10.0" />
		<php min-version="5.4" />

You can try and change it to:

		<nextcloud min-version="11.0" max-version="13.0" />
		<php min-version="5.4" />

if you really want to test this app. But be aware that this app is not finished and released yet. It is totally work in progress.

thanks, i will give it a go

it worked, i will test it out and let you guys know about any bugs

hi all,

got distracted at work had loads on to do

it wont let me enable it, i get an error “error while enabling app”

if you want i can send the logs over?

i will try to sort out myself

Yeah sure, send the logs. Don’t know if I can help there, because I’m no app developer, but who knows, maybe we can sort it out together or someone else has an idea.

If you (or better your company) need(s) this app asap however a support contract could help you get this app released quicker. Just to mention it.

this is the error -

Error PHP Class OCA\Guests\Settings\Admin contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (OCP\Settings\ISettings::getForm, OCP\Settings\ISettings::getSection) at /var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/guests/settings/admin.php#57

looking into it now

ive made it from this -

Preformatted text /**
* The number used to order the section in the UI.
* @since 10.0
* @return int between 0 and 100, with 100 being the highest priority
public function getPriority() {
return 0;
}}Preformatted text

to this -

Preformatted text/**
* The number used to order the section in the UI.
* @since 10.0
* @return int between 0 and 100, with 100 being the highest priority
public function getPriority() {
return ‘0’;
}Preformatted text

but i still get error while trying to enable app

I understand what this means somehow and think I know that it can be solved by changing

class Admin implements \OCP\Settings\ISettings


abstract class Admin implements \OCP\Settings\ISettings

But I have absolutely no clue if this is a good idea :wink:
If this idea made it worse, than you could instead add the “missing” methods:

class Admin implements \OCP\Settings\ISettings
	 * The panel controller method that returns a template to the UI
	 * @since 10.0
	 * @return \OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse | \OCP\Template
	public function getPanel() {
		return new Template('guests', 'settings/admin');
	 * A string to identify the section in the UI / HTML and URL
	 * @since 10.0
	 * @return string
	public function getSectionID() {
		return 'guests';
	 * The number used to order the section in the UI.
	 * @since 10.0
	 * @return int between 0 and 100, with 100 being the highest priority
	public function getPriority() {
		return 0;
	public function getForm();
	public function getSection();

Oh dear … I fear we are breaking the app here.
A PHP developer is definitely the better choice to ask for help here.


i have cancelled all my changes and added “abstract” and when i click enable it works

but when i create a new folder as admin and try to share it via guest to an email by just typing in the username in the text box like “robert” i get the drop down “add robert (guest) (email)” i get an error “failed to send share by mail”

then im thinking maybe in the text box i can put my whole email ie "" i then get normal error “no users found for” which is the case as i havnt added that user in settings users

on owncloud (as i have put owncloud on the server aswell) when i normally add a guest user to a shared folder all i have to do is type in the username in the text box, then it says add robert (guest) (email)" then another box comes up and it asks to enter the guests email address, once i press on share i then get an email and im asked to create a password and then i have access to that share ONLY

error i get -

Error no app in context Failed to send share by mail: Address in mailbox given [robert@] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. 2017-10-28T00:47:28+0100
Error PHP Undefined offset: 1 at /var/www/html/nextcloud/lib/private/Mail/Message.php#64

that line is -

list($name, $domain) = explode(’@’, $readableName, 2);

You should use the (still not merged) branch here to get a working guests app on Nextcloud:

This works mostly on Nextcloud 12, only a few minor issues remain. see the comment here:

Thanks mate, I’ll try it when get in work

thats the exact one i have installed and im having problems