How to use own Intranet penetration solution without the default configured stun server

I found this for you here:

  • Configure Nextcloud Talk to use your TURN server
    Go to Nextcloud admin panel > Talk settings. Btw. if you already have your own TURN server, you can and may want to use it as STUN server as well:
STUN servers:<yourChosenPortNumber>
TURN server:<yourChosenPortNumber>
TURN secret: <yourChosen/GeneratedSecret>

Do not add http(s):// here, this causes errors, the protocol is simply a different one. Also turn: or something as prefix is not needed. Just enter the bare domain:port.


Nextcloud Talk is still based on the Spreed video calls app (just got renamed) and thus the Spreed.ME WebRTC solution. For this reason all guides about how to configure coturn for one of them, applies to all of them.

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