How to restore from backup using the AIO Intrface

So basically what you did is that you used the external backup solution in that case (a VM copy/snapshot) to restore your instance. So the data that you had at the point of the VM copy/snapshot creating is already inside.

Thus you should not use the AIO interface to restore a backup because you have not used the within AIO bundled backup solution up to this point.

I guess, the real question was:
how do you restore the AIO instance (from the AIO i-face), if the only thing you have is a backup made using this same interface. But on a different machine.
Typical scenario: putting backups onto external storage, and then restoring after a hardware failure .
@mstrauss22 am I wrong?

I suspect @Kik09 is right. At least this was the question that took me here.
After almost giving up, i found the simple answer: You CAN restore a backup on a new server (even with different OS), but have to do in the very first step on the very first page of the AIO interface. Just scroll down past the section for setting up a new server (do NOT use it) and you will find the section for restoring from an old backup, where you can also enter the passwd for this backup.

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