Dummies guide for NC Docker AIO setup on Synology

Is there a dummies guide (the linux setup does not seem to work / I don’t understand what to change for installing on my Synology NAS)

I used to have NC running on my Synology (directly on the DSM218+, with MariaDB)

It broke a year or two ago.
Tried to get a pair of linux-servers docker images working (NC and MariaDB), but way to many disparate guides on the web, so that was clugey and I didn’t want to trust my work data to it.

The AIO VM is a bit heavy for my DS220+ - and the /data dir is completely wrapped into the premade VM - so I prefer to go the docker route.

What I have tried:
Fastforward to today, Nextcloud has a docker AIO, but I cannot figure out how to use it.

I copied and pasted the YML file, made a directory:
and chmod / chown them to a nextcloud:docker user

Then running
sudo docker-compose up

Starting nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer ... 
Starting nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer ... error

ERROR: for nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer  Cannot start service nextcloud: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer (b28907469789d2d2c584acc398575b9324c738575c05cfec27491defc513d4de): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use

ERROR: for nextcloud  Cannot start service nextcloud: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer (b28907469789d2d2c584acc398575b9324c738575c05cfec27491defc513d4de): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Obviously I don’t really know what I am doing - and using a mish-mash of web stuff (mostly out of date for the new AIO docker image) is a bad idea.

Can someone point me to a walkthrough?

When I was setting up AIO, I found that it didn’t work when I used compose. If you just start the master container without using compose, it basically does the rest for you.

Here is the getting started guide.

Alternatively if you just want to use the stock docker containers, I wrote a guide for doing it that way. It’s a few versions old now and you may have to read some of the following discussion, but it should still be 95% accurate.

This error says port 80 is already in use on your device, so the container can’t use it. The AIO guide above also says what to do in that situation.