Does official VM image contain Collabora online office?

You just made my day! Fixes it!

Excellent. Thanks for confirming - that seems to be the bug, then.

You for troubleshooting! Already made a PR for a temp fix (ugly one). This should be an easy fix to implement to do it the right way!

You win today. Many thanks!

Fix is here:

Hi there,
This topic seems closest to the issue I’m experiencing. I followed the instructions to start NextCloud on a clean ubuntu VM, and ran the build script linked here in this thread. Everything appears to work perfectly, including Let’s Encrypt and SSL. However, whenever I try to view an office document via Collabora online, I get the “Access Forbidden” error. I can create a new document, but I can’t view it. I checked that my /etc/apache2/sites-available/ had the patch mentioned above (it did). What else can I check?

You need to restart the VM for the changes to apply.