Docker setup & cron

I just migrated my nextcloud to a docker setup on a NAS as host system. First I used the second container solution but now switched to your proposal of using a script in the host’s cron service.

Yet I have two questions that maybe you or s.o. else have answers to:

  1. Do these commands
docker exec --user www-data nextcloud php occ files:scan --all
docker exec --user www-data nextcloud php occ files:scan-app-data
docker exec --user www-data nextcloud php occ preview:pre-generate
exit 0

represent all relevant jobs which are usually done by cron.php?

  1. Does this solution have any advantage against for example calling cron.php as a webjob like e.g. (de) proposes?

Oh, and a bonus question if I may:

  1. It is a tiny setup for max 5 users mainly using the cloud during daytime. So I’d like to let my NAS sleep during nighttime. A 24/7 every-15-minutes cronjob would prevent this, right? Is there any risk if I pause the cronjob during night hours ?