Desktop client 3.4.0 destroys local time stamp and keeps uploading data to server

I am also getting this ā€œā€¦has invalid time reported by server. Do not save itā€ warning for multiple files, every time I sync. That is based off a clean install of 3.4.1 (done yesterday), on a clean install of Windows 11 (done the day before).

The frustrating thing is that Nextcloud is giving me no information or guidance on what to do next. How can I save it or not save it? The error shows but I can have no further interaction with it.

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Iā€™m also facing this huge issue. For me, this is a big issue, because we are now slowly implementing this in our company and Iā€™m responsible for the project. So I really really hope this can be tackled soon!
If we canā€™t use the nextcloud client on windows, then we canā€™t use nextcloud at all!
Also the bash script didnā€™t give me any output at all, neither with list nor with fix argument!
Best regards!

This is the error in my client. It keeps saying ā€œinvalid modification date donā€™t saveā€
Please provide a fix soon!
Best regards!

@stefanp2021 as you have commercial interest to fix the issue it would be great you spend little resources to help out people still affected by this issue. I think nice script could be written within 4-8 working hoursā€¦

Starting with SQL queries in my post #54 itā€™s possible to

  • build a list of files with invalid time stamp
  • find versions of this times with correct time stamp
  • build (a list) a command to copy/move the last valid version

running occ:filescan can remain manual task.


@stefanp2021 if your nextlcoud setup isnā€™t on the same server where mysql is on. You must install a mysql client in first.

@mgallien for the single quote issues, hereā€™s a solution:

relative_filepath_without_username="$(echo ${relative_filepath/\/$username\//} | sed "s/'/\\\'/g")"


Nextcloud and SQL are on the same server!

Hi All,

Iā€™ve seen the same on new installed NC client, trying to sync 100+ GBā€¦ I have 2 other PCā€™s syncing the same from the same account with ā€œnoā€ problems.

Iā€™ve used the latest client 3.4.0

NC23, all on one server (Ubuntu 20.04LTS)

Thanks for any hints


@rgischig Latest client version is v3.4.1

The group folder Script does not exist!

Link giving 404 for reference:

This contains the scripts and fixes, worked for me:

My guess the cause is a combo of Win11, NC Client 3.4.0 and/or 3.4.1 and the new Virtual Files function.

I have this issue tooā€¦so I disable the virtual file support.

For anyone getting errors like

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "base64"
LINE 4: ...mdzdGVjaG5pay9mdy1kdF9LYXBpdGVsMDhfMDFfMjAucGRm, 'base64'), ...

(to my knowledge they occur when using pgsql and groupfolders) see SQL Error when using pgsql and groufolders Ā· Issue #14 Ā· nextcloud-gmbh/mtime_fixer_tool_kit Ā· GitHub


Is that proved or only a guess?
We had problems on several computers without Windows 11!

Removed all history (files and profiles) of the existing NC on the PC and reinstalled the latest version, . Now it works ok!

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Can somebody help me recover to a clean state so I can safely upgrade my Nextcloud + MariaDB?

I did use parts of the mtime fix scripts supplied here. One problem is the old MariaDB which has no FROM_BASE64 command.

So it looks like I do have

Folders which have more files locally than remotely. Mtime errors all over the place (3000+ files)
What I did manually now:

On the local (windows) machine in Ubuntu (WSL2):

find . -type f ! -newermt "@86400" -size +3c -exec touch -c -r ./ {} \;

I also saved the file list just in case. These takes all files with at least 3 bytes and gave them a date from August 2020.

On the server I did the same but with current time.

I then did a occ files:scan and also the more important groupfolders:scan - it looks like you cannot call the group-folders scan with just one file path so it goes through everything.

I still do get some invalid modification times error on the latest sync and also the more worrying at least 350+ times:

Server hat "412 Precondition failed" auf "PUT https://SERVER/remote.php/dav/files/USER/PATH/file.ext" geantwortet (An If-Match header was specified, but none of the specified ETags matched.)

What is that error and how can I fix it.

P.S: Due to some bad architecture decisions I am still stuck at v20.0.6 - but before upgrading by migrating to an official Docker image Iā€™d like to get this sync (only 3 windows clients) to safely executeā€¦

For some reason Nextcloud GmbH decided not to help users with a real fix but just offered some half solutions as you mentioned aboveā€¦ additionally they added some dead-ends to the sync process like the ā€œfixā€ to not replicate files with invalid timestamp, without offering a good way to fix such filesā€¦

at the end if you donā€™t have good backup to recover valid state you are limited to manually fix all the issues one by one before you continueā€¦ 350 files is a doable amountā€¦ nothing one appreciates but it could be doneā€¦ as far I remember files with valid timestamp on the server have preference over files with invalid timestamp stored on the client - you could touchthe files, upload them into server file system and run occ file:scanā€¦ this should fix the issue at the cost of finally loosing mtimeā€¦

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Iā€™m really leery now of this stuff, installed a fresh NC 23 and using the 3.4.1 client I donā€™t see stuff get synced reliably. I just donā€™t have anything specific to point at except ā€œnot all files get syncedā€ which is not easy to pinpoint. However, never happened with earlier versions, so thereā€™s that. Iā€™m thrilled about not implementing NC in the company at least, that would have been bad with this level of reliability, potentially a bunch of users complaining of lost files, what a nightmare.

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Update: So far so good. I synced one of our 3 windows nextcloud clients

with my idea above, namely

  • manual find on server with all mtime error files
  • touch with current time for all these files
  • occ files scan and groupfolder scan

above it seems to have synced. Dont know if the find & mtime on the windows machine helped or not. Of course I lost the last modification time for all these 3000+ files, but if something were missing or newer on the client (and overwritten with server version) I see that it would show up in the activity log so I would be able to manually restore it from backups.

One directory did completely strike on sync. I deleted it and even had to copy it from backup & change the name on first sync. Afterwards I renamed it back to the original name and it worked.
my qnap documentaion word file I had open the whole time also had an irrecoverable conflict, so i deleted all, slightly renamed and re-uploaded it.

Now I am moving on to the second client ā€¦

BTW: 3.4.2 arrived yesterday: Releases Ā· nextcloud/desktop Ā· GitHub and also 23.0.1 with these commits:

23.0.1 is not offered via the updater yet, but you can find it here:

This one is interesting: Prevent writing invalid mtime Ā· nextcloud/server@36bacaa Ā· GitHub