Data Directory hierarchy


First, I’m really enjoying using Nextcloud. Thanks for making such a great tool.

I’m not really sure if this is the correct category but there wasn’t really a category that this question would fit in.

I was wondering if there was any documentation anywhere about what the different folders in the data-directory are for. Some are obvious.

Here is what I have worked out so far, maybe people could add to it if they know more than I do

  | - appdata_<???????>
  |        | - appstore
  |        | - avatar
  |        |        | - [avatars for users]
  |        | - css
  |        |        | - [css for apps?]
  |        | - identityproof
  |        |        | - [Proof for users]
  |        | - js
  |        |        | - [js for apps?]
  |        | - preview
  |        |        | - [Not sure but gues that this is where previews are stored]
  |        | - richdocuments
  |        |        | - [Not sure]
  |        | - theming
  |        |        | - [Presumably where logo or background is stored if changed? I haven't checked]
  | - files
  |        | - [Not sure. Is it related to files folder inside user folders?]
  | - files_external
  |        | - [Presumably where external files are added]
  | - index.html
  | - <users>
  |        | - cache
  |        | - files
  |        |        | - <All the users files>
  |        |        | - [Is this related to the other files folder in some way?]
  |        | - files_trashbin
  |        |        | - [Deleted files]
  |        | - files_versions
  |        |        | - [old versions of files]

I don’t think I have missed anything.

This is purely out of curiosity, if anyone can point me in the direction of any documentation, I would be very grateful. Thanks in advannce

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Great idea to collect this :+1: !

Would also fit into “meta”.

Your guess is right.

This is probably related to the new global shares feature introduced with nextcloud 12?

Thanks, I’ve now updated it to meta. Thanks for your answers