Could not establish connection to the Collabora Online server

So if we are on a VPS directly connected to the internet, I guess this IP should be I mean there is no LAN IP in such a machine.

Hmm… no, not necessarily. The reason for using the LAN IP is that the loopback address doesn’t work as you might expect inside a Docker container.

In a case like that, you might have to use the public IP. You’ll also need to make sure the VPS is allowed to connect to itself on that port (UFW or equivalent may block it), but not the rest of the internet.

I have to use the WAN IP in my case. I have ufw active but open ports for mail and http/https… it works now. Collabora wasn’t working at the beginning. Thanks a lot for your gift to the community! Great work!!

Javier Hermosa

Karl, another problem has arised. Collabora works fine with Safari, however Chrome users see the following when trying to open a document

I read it could have to do with “Header always set” options, but I haven’t found any on my Apache configs. Maybe in the Nginx config inside the containers?

EDIT: Firefox gave away the problem. Certificate is untrusted. Something is not properly configured with the certificate.

Okay, so then you need to verify the certificate is correct and that you’re using the name on the certificate to connect to Collabora.

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Absolutely right! I regenerated the certificates and rebuilt the containers and now it’s all good.

Thanks a lot again for your work and your fast responses! Really helpful!

Javier Hermosa

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check if ipv6 is active on your server!! on my ubuntu 20.04 server ipv6 is active and therefore loolwsd listens on :::9980 (use netstat -tunlp) insteed of listening on

In the apache configuration (see ProxyPass(Reverse) goes to

If one disable ipv6 on my/the ubuntu server loolwsd is listening on

kind regards, go4ncloud

Do not forget to adapt the loolwsd.xml file (disable ipv6).

Kind regards, go4ncloud