Complete NC Installation on Debian 9 Stretch and manual update

Hi Erik
thank you again for the script,
I had a problem with the manual update
mv nextcloud/ /var/www
told me that folder is not empty
Could you please check that.

So I did the whole script again with php7.2 without any problem
Now NC tells me
Es wurde kein PHP-Memory-Cache konfiguriert
Any idea about that?

Once again many thanks for the script. If it only could do the manual update.

First remove the data in the nextcloud folder (rm 3rdparty/ apps/ AUTHORS console.php COPYING-AGPL core/ cron.php db_structure.xml index.php l10n/ lib/ occ ocs ocs-provider/ *.php settings/ themes/ updater/ -Rf) . And you might need to use cp instead of move (i might need to correct that in the manual). Unzip the en cd to the unzipped nextcloud folder. Then execute the following command (include the backslash ):

\cp . -R /var/www/nextcloud

For the memcache you should check the documentation. Not my strong point :slight_smile:

I just can’t believe to be the only one realizing that your vhost configuration at is incomplete.

Actually the beast appears to be truncated: Both directives <VirtualHost *:443> and <IfModule mod_headers.c> are not being closed. Unfortunately Apache is not too verbose when it comes to informative error messages.

Thanks for pointing that out! I recently moved the conf file from my nextcloud server to github but apparently didnt copy al the content. Also didnt add the Header always set Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains” so i just did. Could you check it again?

Thanks for pointing that out! I recently moved the conf file from my nextcloud server to github but apparently didnt copy al the content. Also didnt add the Header always set Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains” so i just did. Could you check it again?

Perfect! Looks good. Thx for your swift reaction!

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