Collabora with nextcloud 24

Depending on where your nextcloud vm is located.

its on private network natted to a public

makes me think you Collabora container has no access to your Nextcloud server (for whatever reason).

  • Try running curl inside you Collabora container or even verbose variant curl .. -v
    ( example to run command inside docker container: docker exec -ti ${container-name} curl...)
  • you should see some output and if there are issues e.g. with certificates you should be able to see a root cause of an issue.

l’m not able to curl inside collabora docker

But i’m able to ping with FQDN

why not? for me it works well (AFAIR worked with collabora CODE versions back to 6.4)

curl -v Nextcloud -i

  • Trying 1x.x.x…
  • connect to 1x.x.x port 443 failed: Connection refused
  • Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused
  • Closing connection 0
    curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused

i have curl installed inside my docker, curl reply connection failed

curl -v Nextcloud -i

  • Trying 1x.x.x…
  • connect to 1x.x.x port 443 failed: Connection refused
  • Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused
  • Closing connection 0
    curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused

it’s working now hostname was missing inside the docker container ,
thank you alot @ralfi really appreciate your help
@wwe thank you
you are the best :smile:

Please explain: where hostname?

on /etc/hosts added the fqdn of nextcloud , don’t know why it can’t be figured by dns

I had this problem before: docker containers could not resolve DNS records pointing to the host using DNS resolver (Pihole) running as docker container on same host (dns request times out multiple time until it succeeds, resulting in very slow Collabora document load)… very strange situation given the fact the host itself had no issues. My workaround was to use another instance of Pihole running as backup on my NAS as “docker” DNS…

cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
    "dns": ["",""]

hosts file would work as well (but personally I don’t like this hack)

Thank you, will add my DNS

Any one tried to install High Performance Backend before ?

getting this error when try to sudo -u www-data php occ notify_push:setup

In RedisQueue.php line 37:

Redis server went away

notify_push:setup []

please open one thread for each issue.

did you search the forum? there is a excellent thread related to HPB setup.

Hi @Aaa1

You can refer to the configuration in my article.

Use HTTPS with Ubuntu 22.04, apache, Nextcloud and Collabora(Docker)

Thank you @bearchen problem solved :slight_smile:

Thank you @wwe I opened a new thread for my issue still looking for help :frowning: Failed to establish signaling connection. Retrying … - #5 by Aaa1