Collabora Office failed to read document from storage

I worked through most of the Collabora integration guide. It is very helpful but I still have not sorted out my issue. I believe I confirmed my suspicion about routing through the proxy. I did a traceroute from both docker containers.

From the collabora container a traceroute to nextcloud has one hop to nextcloud container:

$ traceroute nextcloud.[domain].com
traceroute to nextcloud.[domain].com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  nextcloud-app-1.nextcloud_default (  0.053 ms  0.027 ms  0.025 ms

That makes sense. Since it does not go through the proxy it cannot access the https connection.

From the nextcloud container a traceroute to collabora has two hops through the default gateway:

$ traceroute office.[domain].com
traceroute to office.[domain].com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  nextcloud (  0.084 ms  0.044 ms  0.029 ms
 2 (  0.204 ms  0.156 ms  0.162 ms

I was trying to figure out what the difference is. I had about given up when I noticed I had set the hostname in the docker-compose.yml file for Next Cloud. I removed that and am able to open a document now. Thanks for your help.