That was the solution for the first problem. Thank you very much!
Now I have access to the PI via ssh or Web-UI.
In the System Info I see that:
extCloudPi version v1.49.1 NextCloudPi image NextCloudPi_03-28-20 OS Raspbian GNU/Linux 10. 5.10.103-v7l+ (armv7l) automount yes USB devices sda datadir /media/SSD/ncdata (doesn’t exist) rootfs usage 2.5G/29G swapfile /var/swap dbdir /media/SSD/ncdatabase Nextcloud check error HTTPD service up PHP service up MariaDB service up Redis service up HPB service down Postfix service up Internet check ok public IPv4 xxx public IPv6 xxx Port check 80 open (ipv4) Port check 443 open (ipv4) IP 192.168.178.xx Gateway 192.168.178.xx Interface eth0 certificates *** NAT loopback no Uptime 7min
The Nextcloud is down, so is the HPB service.
I did some research and found the Datadir is not correct anymore.
Somehow it created a media/SSD1/ in addition to the existing media/SSD/
I looked up the SSD1 and voila, all the datas are in there. I tried to configure it to the correct entry, like described here.
Sadly it won’t let me and after a restart it’s again in media/SSD/
It prompts “/media/SSD1 is not empty”
Any good advices?