Appstore down? Unable to access

If you are in a hurry, you also find most apps in the Nextcloud Github organisation. Otherwise I’m sure the Nextcloud team is already looking at this.

Thanks @sualko for the insight, would you by any chance point me to some sort of documentation which details out the steps to install an app from github repo directly? I would greatly appreciate it

  1. search for the app you like to install
  2. go to releases
  3. download the latest release (not the source code archive)
  4. extract it to your apps folder (e.g. nextcloud/apps/)
  5. enable the app in your Nextcloud
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I respect your sentiment that this is potentially an excellent platform but if you see it from my perspective, the very first day I find out that app store is unavailable since a while now and the help section is filled with people saying its not available; This is not painting a very bright picture for me.

I agree that this is very unfortunate and shouldn’t happen. And on some things like upgrading your instance or installing apps it is dependet to the infrastructure of the Nextcloud GmbH to some extent. But it is also very unfortunate if you have an online meeting with a customer, and you don’t have access to your Google Workspaces as it happend in December. That cannot happen with nextcloud, at least if you host it on premise. Sure there can still be HW-failures, internet outages etc… I’m just triying to put this into the right perspective.

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Good that I checked that before upgrading one of my instances. I hope that is resolved soon.

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Still seems down. It was working for a very very brief time. Like 12 hours ago.

It’s up and running again! :wink:


I can confirm it’s back up. Thanks NC Devs!


Down again here. Was working earlier this morning… More updates?

Still not working


As of 0630 UK time it’s still down

Hi all,
Is it safe to perform a Nextcloud upgrade (i.e. 20.0.5 to 20.0.6) while the appstore is down ?

I would wait. Usually it also tries to update the apps during an upgrade. You could probably work arrount this, if you do the upgrade in the command line. But it’s not worth the hassle imho. :wink:

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Wait ! Nextcloud needs the AppStore to perform a succesful upgrade !

is there a service status page we can check to see if all is good again?

Still down 14:40 EET :frowning_face:
does anybody know the reason?

I thought I was doing something wrong with my upgrade, turns out the store is broken. Wasted 2h yesterday and another restore…
wait and watch, appreciate the efforts of the dev team

Still down here too.
I would like to know whats the Problem, as it happens very regularly in the last weeks and starts to get really annoying.
Is it only capacity reasons?

Server fĂĽr den Appstore sind sporadisch mal immer wieder down in den letzten Tagen. Mich wĂĽrde auch mal interessieren warum?
Ich hab deswegen zweimal das System neu aufgesetzt, bis ich es auf den Appstore schlieĂźen konnte. Gestern beim letztmaligen wieder aufsetzen war der Appstore zur VerfĂĽgung. Stand jetzt, 14:16 Uhr ist er noch Down.

strange is that ping to the domain is working:
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=36.189 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=21.391 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=115.489 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=25.015 ms