Additional instructions for setting up AIO

Notes for anyone else who runs into these issues

So it is reinstalled, and I managed to get the accounts built and synced. The issue I’m seeing now though is every time I try to log in, I get “too many requests” and have an impossible time trying to log in as the administrator. There isn’t even that many accounts, and I’ve never had this issue previously.

I did find this: Cannot login: Too Many Requests - #16 by Da01W6hwz but it doesn’t seem to work. I was able to get in by restarting the nexcloud-aio-nextcloud container yesterday, but today it’s doing the same thing again.

For clarity, I’m running this command

sudo docker exec --user www-data -it nextcloud-aio-nextcloud php occ security:bruteforce:reset

The IP address is the server that is hosting docker. it has a GUI and I’m attempting to connect using Firefox using the FQDN. This doesn’t fix the issue. Apparently it’s the external IP that is causing the issue.

I did eventually find this: which seems to have temporarily fixed the issue.

I was able to get in and whitelist the appropriate IPs, so I should be good on that front. Now in a cruel twist of fate, the mastercontainer has now stopped. Turns out there is now a conflict on port 8080. wasn’t an issue in the past which is why I was using it for apache2. Moved that to another port, and it appears to be working.

After discussing these issues with someone else I was informed about this: Notification: Changes to our Nextcloud image | Info :: It appears to be a single docker install that solves the issues surrounding AIO.

Install AIO and follow the setups as instructed on a docker system with nothing else running. There are way too many chances for conflict.
If you have to restore from backup, go look up those instructions before doing anything, Actually installing docker and restoring a backup are not compatible.
After installing, set up the backup and check the box to update.
The update system is not reliable on any system that hasn’t been updated for more than 3 months.
If NextCloud breaks, repair is temporary, and plan for reinstall.

While I realize I will be blamed for all the errors, I will also say that the documentation could be vastly improved.